Sunday, February 28, 2010

Little Dresses for Haiti

The other day, I was feeling a bit down and thinking,  'I have absolutely no ideas and cannot do anything well!'. These little moments of insecurity catch up with me once in a while. I usually allow myself a bit of self indulgence, then move on to a new project, but right then my stuckedness was driving me crazy!
To yank myself out of my funk, I started making some pillowcase dresses for children in an orphanage in Haiti. I had seen this post on Cat's blog, looked up directions on the internet and started pulling out old pillowcases, fabric and trims. Now I was inspired and cutting, pinning and sewing ensued!! Here are the first two dresses I completed.

I have a few more to finish and they are fairly easy to make! The thought of a Haitian child wearing one of these little frocks gives me hope. It's a tiny contribution to an enormous need, but it feels good to do something - anything - to help!

If you feel like making some cute little dresses (or diapers, aprons or totes) to help out, go over to Cat's blog and read her Feb.18 post. And while you're there, enjoy her brilliant quilts with words, phrases and sunshine written all over them!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Looking Back

This is one of my favorite fabric pictures, which I posted when I first started my blog. 
It depicts my dad, my mom and me, watching one of their favorite
game shows in the playroom of the home in which they lived for more than 50 years. 
I had come to visit from New York, where I then lived with my family,
and, after supper we would go downstairs to watch 
"Wheel of Fortune" and "The Match Game".
My dad, in his black recliner, always had his finger poised over the 'mute' button on
the remote control (because he hated listening to the commercials)
and wore his headphones to be better able to hear the sound of the program.
It was just one of those familiar, unremarkable rituals
which we shared.
My parents are gone now, but I love having
 this sweet little memory in the form of a picture. 
It always makes me smile.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Signs of the Day

Here's what is happening outside today!
Pretty, yes....

... but,  is this stop sign telling the snow something I am thinking?

And, are the signs in my sewing room trying to tell me something? 

(Page from Nikki McClure's 2010 calendar)

I can't control the weather, but I think it's time to get moving!!
Creativity is in the air!

Hope everyone is keeping warm and dry!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hearts All Around - Handmade Goodness

Recently, I received some lovely handmade goodies in my mailbox:

a dream catcher ATC from my good friend Janice,

a beautifully stitched and stamped card from the thoughtful and talented Karen LR,

and a too-cute-for-words valentine from my dear friend Elaine.
Now, how did I come to know so many talented people?


And, from my sweet husband, a basket of Spring!
Plants to enjoy now indoors and later out in the garden.

What could be more welcome at this time of the year?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hearts All Around - A Day in the Life

a.m. project - organizing my collection of fabrics backed with fusible web. Most of these fabric are scraps from various projects and my favorite place for sorting things is on top of our bed.

Of course, I needed an objective eye to help me out.

Later, I walked with my friend Jean, and Meadow, my golden retriever friend.
This sweet dog helped me conquer my fear of dogs, so I made her a heart-patterned bandana.


She loves the snow, especially when she catches a well-directed snowball!

Our town square is graced by a tree strewn with hearts...


And, at the grocery store, it's hard to forget that Valentine's Day is around the corner...

...very hard... forget...

When there are
hearts all around!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hearts All Around - Little Pins

Yesterday I felted some little heart pins, using dark red felt as a base for the wool roving. This is such a relaxing thing to do, just as long as I pay attention and don't stab myself with the felting needle! Today I added buttons from my stash and pin backs. These will make cute little Valentine's gifts!
Snow forecast for tomorrow!
Went to the grocery store today, along with everyone else in the area!
Hoping for little accumulation!
Time will tell!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Hearts All Around

Just finished up this new quilted heart for our front door! I was determined to use only fabrics and ribbons from my stash, and it worked up pretty quickly. 
It's sunny here and our next snow may come Wednesday, but for now it's possible to walk around without boots, so I'm grateful for that! 
Hope you are enjoying a good start to your week!
Stay warm!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Happy February!

A change of pace, a new blog header, a temporary fix until I finish what I've been working on. I've taken a break from cruising craft blogs, just concentrating on a few.  Sometimes I think that seeing too much of all the wonderful, original work out there causes me to shut down and become blocked. So I'm working on a few ideas, enjoying the Valentine decorations I see everywhere, still de-cluttering and, basically, enjoying being indoors and cozy.
Hope you are having a terrific week!