Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Art Every Day Month - Day 17

Here is another little fused fabric piece. I was away at a lovely gathering of friends the past couple of days and we exchanged ATCs and shared recent projects we have been working on. This and yesterday's piece were the ATCs I gave out. Tomorrow I will show some that I received from Karen and Elaine. It was a lot of fun - sharing, chatting, laughing, eating good food and generally enjoying each others' company. Can't wait for our next get-together in the Spring!!


  1. I like texture and color election here. Lovely piece ;-)

  2. Sorry, I meant 'color selection' ;-P

  3. What a darling way to make ATC's. I just made my first ones the other day (thought I can't quite post about them yet because they haven't gone out yet) and I never would have thought about doing it this way in a million years. Going to have to tuck this in the front of my head so I can try it soon....the back of my head is just too full. ;)

  4. I love birch trees. Great choice of fabrics :). Happy AEDM!
    Stay inspired!

  5. You must have to collect lots of lovely fabrics and always on the loo out for them?
    I love the trunck of th tree!

  6. oh, yes, the birches! LOVE THEM! and feel l-u-c-k-y to have one of these gorgeous ATC's.

  7. This turned out so well! Really lovely!

  8. Another lovely piece!

    I also can't wait to see what your friend Elaine did. I love her cards:)
