Monday, April 18, 2011

A New Week!

I'm so happy to see flowers blooming in the garden! 

Rosie and Angus are enjoying being back on the porch...

I'm feeling the need for some organizing in my sewing room...

or maybe a forklift to clear off my worktable!

Can't wait to get it back to this state again. It will take some work,

but will be well worth it!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!!


  1. Ahh, sunshine pouring into your studio, flowers blooming in the garden, happy cats for company. Grace abundant.
    We're into the 8th hour of an April blizzard (I knew I shouldn't have put the snow shovels away!) the plow nearly knocked my mailbox off its post and my mail was exposed to the sleet and snow. Bummer of a late storm.
    I did receive a most cheerful flower arrangement from my husband today from the marvelous florist in town. The owner himself delivered it and we had a great little chat about this unusual weather and spring inside his greenhouses. Jerome has a knack for lifting me up when I'm down.
    Enjoy your beautiful workspace. Can't wait to see what you create there. Things are still in disarray here since the sliding door installation isn't 100% complete. I'm just about finished with my niece's baby gift. Hope to send the package out tomorrow. I'll do a blog about it soon.
    Hope this snowy weather doesn't drift over to you.

  2. Spring always makes me feel the need to tidy! But no matter how hard I try my workroom still gets untidy, but thats what it's for I suppose! Glad you are getting some sunny spring weather too.
    PS Thankyou for all your lovely comments on my blog!

  3. So nice to see the daffodils! They make it feel like spring is really here.

    I love the photo that's second from the bottom. The project on your table looks gorgeous!

    I can totally relate to a full work table. It might not always look so pretty (though, the jumble of colors and textures and materials is always pleasing), but I like to think that it's organized.

    Enjoy creating a clean slate so you'll be ready for lots more creating!

  4. I love the colorful clutter, but know just what you mean about spring cleaning and the desire to start fresh. I hope you can make way for your beautiful projects soon—and also stop now and then to sniff the flowers!

  5. I always feel better when I get organized. Hope you are able to do that:)

    Angus and Rosie look very happy; I hope that it is warming up!

  6. I love seeing creative people's work space! Get me motivated to do something fun!
