Monday, August 6, 2012

Getting Started

I can't believe we're into August! The summer seems to be flying by, and I've spent much of my time indoors, avoiding the heat and organizing my materials and tools. I, like most people, have certain favorites, and these are a few of them -

For the machine embroidery I'm planning to do, I've rounded up different linen and textured fabrics as backgrounds. Many of these I had collected over the years, but a few are new. This particular pair of scissors is my favorite and I love all kinds of colored pencils - regular and watercolor. I'm a bit obsessed with Micron Pigma pens and have them in every size. They work beautifully on fabric for details and they are permanent and archival. I have at least twenty five of them - my favorite art indulgence!
Last of all, in this photo, a heavier weight (30m) Gutermann thread, which shows up well in thread line drawings. I'm still tinkering with my sewing machine tension and trying to find the smoothest line.

More colored pencils and pens! They've multiplied over the years and there are even more in drawers.

 My trusty old Singer sewing machine, which has seen me through so many projects. Behind it are photos of my daughter and my ever-present fan. I'm basically hot all the time, and this little red fan gives a welcome breeze while I'm sewing.
I do have a much newer sewing machine, a Brother, which has remained in its box for a few years because I never learned to use it properly. I'm finally thinking about taking some lessons with it because it's such a waste to have it and not use it. 

I'm happy to be back into blogging again and I hope to post more frequently. Meanwhile, I hope that everyone who reads this is enjoying a wonderful summer!  


  1. Judy, your header is stunning! Do you have any idea how gifted you are?
    And speaking of sewing machines, I can't wait til Jerome brings mine back at the end of the week. He took it back to Illinois after his last visit to the dealer I bought it from for its servicing. My "studio" has felt barren without it.

  2. Ditto Sharon's comment...LOVE your new header! Look forward to seeing your new work. xo

  3. Welcome back, Judy!

    I LOVE your new banner. So lovely and just right!

    It's fun to see what your favorite tools are, nice and organized now. I'll get there, too, eventually.

    I've been looking to upgrade my sewing machine and from the reviews I've read people seem to like their Brothers, but I am a bit worried that if I get too fancy a machine I'll never learn how to use it.

    I'm looking forward to seeing what else you've been working on and some more views of your studio!

  4. Happy Anniversary! LOVE your new is PERFECT.

  5. Just like you do, I hide away from the heat.
    I love your little old sewing machine....mine is older and is falling apart, I believe it is beyond repair; but it just about keeps going though the thread keeps on breaking and I have trouble re-threading it.
    Glad you are back to posting on your blog.

    Your daughter is definitely keeping a close eye on you.
    Keep busy and have fun!

  6. Beautiful banner! I like your crafty bits and huge pen and pencil selection! x

  7. the new site is just gorgeous Judy!! that header is a work of art! it will be great to have you back around again more often. thanks for showing us some of your favourite things xx
