Monday, February 4, 2013

Heartfelt February ~ Day 4

Today is a sunny, very cold day here in New England, and I have two hearts to share!
This morning I completed this cut paper heart, using papers from my stash, along with Sharpie pens.

Cut paper flower heart by Judy

And here is a wonderful 12x12 quilt called "Be My Valentine", made by my friend Andrea.
She also hand painted the heart embellishment.

12x12 quilt, "Be My Valentine", with hand painted heart, by Andrea Willey

Don't forget - I'd love to add your hand made heart to our collection!

Here's how to participate:

Create a heart in any medium. 
Post a photo of it on your blog (if you have one) and email the photo to me at judyeh(at)comcast(dot)net. If you don't have a blog, just send me a photo! 
I will post your heart on my blog  and on the Pinterest group blog, with credit to you. 
You're welcome to contribute one heart during the month of February, or as many as you'd like!

Later in the month I'll have a giveaway of a few of my hearts! 

Hope you're having a great start to your week!


  1. I envy your fine motor skills! What a beautiful flower heart :).
    Stay inspired!

  2. Lovely hearts Judy. I like the idea of a floral paper wreath in the shape of a heart! x
