Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Few Words About My Mom...

Today is Mothers Day and I'm thinking about my mom, who passed away in 2007. We had a really wonderful relationship and we spent a lot of time laughing together.

When we went shopping, usually at TJMax or Marshall's, off-price stores where we looked for bargains, we'd frequently get into fits of laughter as we pulled out improbable outfits for each other. We always ate lunch at Papa Gino's, where a seafood salad sandwich was our preferred choice. We had little rituals that were simple and fun. She was always grateful for our "days out".

At the age of 85, she was in rehab, after suffering two aneurisms which caused bleeding in her brain, she still made an effort to look at the humor in every situation. After surgery and a month in rehab, there came a day when she must have felt herself slipping away. She told me that she was going on a "big adventure", and that she was going to see my dad, who had died a few weeks earlier and "boy, is he going to be surprised!" My tears were mixed with laughter and I was devastated when she died the next day. My support, my rock and my partner in crime was gone - such a huge loss!

The day had gone dark and rainy, but very soon after mom had died, my niece Amy looked out the window and called over all of our family members who had gathered to see a beautiful rainbow in the sky! It was amazing timing and I do believe it was a sign that my mom had indeed begun her "big adventure".

I just felt like I needed to write about this today.
I hope everyone who is a mom, has a mom or memories of her mom, is enjoying a wonderful day, as I am.



  1. Oh Judy, that was so lovely! And I am glad that you decided to write about the relationship between you and your mom which sounds so special. Thank you so much. It's just what I wanted to hear.

    Big Hugs for you! (and don't knock me over!),

  2. Don't know who was the more fortunate, mother or daughter. Such a marvelous relationship. Would that all the world's mothers could share in such blessings.

  3. What a wonderful tribute to your mom, Judy. My mom and I are just like you and mom were. We just spent mother's day together with my son. I appreciate that my mom is still with me and I deeply cherish all the time we spend together.
    Wishing you a Happy Mother's Day.

  4. annmarie gallivanMay 10, 2015 at 7:23 PM

    Beautiful post Judy! Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

  5. That is a wonderful photo of you and your Mum Judy! She sounds like a wonderful person and I bet she adored having you as her daughter. x

  6. Judy,

    I am so touched by this beautiful tribute to your Mom. She sounds like such a special person . I love the description of your relationship. I can imagine that you miss her terribly. I pictured myself in Marshall's and TJ Maxx, two of my favorite places to spend time and find cool bargains. The laughter can still be felt .

    Her departure, right after your Dad's must have been heart wrenching for you. But she sounds like she was ready to go on her "big Adventure". I am SURE she is with you every moment and appears in little signs through out your day.

    I was blessed to spend this Mother's Day with my Mom. She will be 101 next week. I try not to take her presence for granted. It is difficult to imagine her not being around. She has lead a very good life and still enjoys relatively good health.
    I hope you had a beautiful Mother's Day.
