Saturday, November 19, 2016

AEDM - Day 19

It was a beautiful Autumn day today and I spent a chunk of the afternoon out on my porch, working on a design for paper angel ornaments and cards. I enjoy doing this - I usually design whatever I make and don't work from patterns, but it can be tedious.

No matter how carefully I plan, it's not until I finish the first prototype that I know how well the design worked. In this case, the first angel was not quite what I expected, and I can see some things I'll want to change. I won't say what they are, aside from the messiness of her collar, but I hope to share the new and improved Angie Angel in my next post!!

Hope you're having a nice weekend!

Thanks for visiting!!


  1. thanks for sharing the messy bits in the first photo. i do love seeing process pics as well as the finished project. it's such fun to get a peek into how artists do their work. xo

  2. Angie Angel is lovely. I see her working as an applique too! x
