Tuesday, November 8, 2016

AEDM Day 8

Such a beautiful day here in New England. Having voted early, I was free to spend some time on the porch in the afternoon sun. With days shortened by the recent time change, I feel like I'm chasing daylight lately, the sun begins to slip away so early. The trees behind the house are glowing with autumn golds and greens and the colors shimmer outside the porch windows.

When I'm working on something, I always seem to create a mess!

I want to finish up this little floral piece and I auditioned
 some embroidery thread colors.

Then I snipped some little pieces of fabric and that's about
as far as I got today.
Now that I've chosen colors in daylight I can work on embroidering tonight.

I'm avoiding watching election returns until later,
praying that the "right" decision will be made.

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