Saturday, April 29, 2017


Today's face came from a little sketch I made in a notebook a while ago.


I also worked on Gail from yesterday's post, editing her forehead and adding earrings. Usually,
once a drawing is finished, I don't look back. It is what it is!

A drawing a day has been enjoyable - I really like to make up characters and
I usually can come up with an idea quickly. Executing the drawing is more
difficult. Using colored pencils is my easiest go-to, but I'm not thrilled with 
the rough texture I seem to get. I'm working in a mixed media sketchbook and
it may not be the best paper for this. But I do want to try collage, stitched portraits
and cut paper faces. All of these take more planning and time, so I'll have to
not leave my "daily face" until late in the day as I have been doing!

To those who stop by to read my posts, thanks very much.
I hope you're enjoying a wonderful weekend!


  1. Nikki is absolutely adorable, Judy!

    Congrats on all your sketching. What a wonderful start to the 100 day project you have.


  2. Nikki is so cute -- I was flattered by my kids today as we looked at your blog as they said "Hey Ms. Ropple it's you!" lol

    But she only has one pair of glasses on her head! Jeesh! Love your work, Ms. Judy!
    -- Amy
