Saturday, March 19, 2022

Beginning Anew

I haven't posted here during the 2+ years of the Covid pandemic. This was not intentional but, in retrospect, it was a time when everyone retreated into his or her own world and I guess I did the same. So much uncertainty, fear and anxiety - not the most fertile ground for creativity. Personal losses abounded, including, for me, the loss of my older sister who died alone in a nursing home, from Covid and other health problems. I could not be with her and, even though talking with her on Facetime was allowed, her dementia had progressed to the point where she couldn't really understand what was going on. It was heartbreaking. We also lost our sweet cat Perry who died of oral cancer at the age of 18. Of course, others had much worse losses and I'm grateful that my husband, my daughter, her partner, and I are in good health as the pandemic has quieted down, at least for now. And now our world is rocked by a senseless war begun by a dictator who is driving people from their country and killing many for no reason other than his maniacal desire for power. We watch, helplessly, as Ukranians - good, hard working people - flee their homes in the face of possible extinction, while bombs explode in their neighborhoods, hospitals and schools. Our news reports are filled with graphic images, leaving us sickened by Putin's disregard for human life. We donate to agencies who provide help to the victims, but it doesn't feel like enough. I've been posting on Instagram during the pandemic - little stitcheries and drawings - but right now I'm feeling the need to get back to blogging. I feel like I want to write more than a brief comment on a bit of artwork. I'd like to try some new things and add a bit more heart to my work. Unfortunately, I'm finding Blogger a bit more difficult to navigate than it was two years ago, but I'll do my best. Hopefully, my next post will include some photos!


  1. Your artwork on Instagram has been a joy to view. I’ve missed your floral pictures you used to post on Facebook. Every platform has its advantages. I still like blogging. It offers a good record of what’s happening in my life.

  2. Thanks Debra! I had no idea anyone would see my blog posts after so long. I agree that a blog is a bit of a journal to record life events! Mine goes back to the year my parents passed away, so it's a comfort for me to read about them.

  3. Oh how I've missed you in this space, Judy. You aren't the only one who's stepped back for a while. You've helped me to also want to return.
    sending love.

  4. Sharon, I was so happy to see your comment!! I do hope you will return to your blog! I feel like I owe you a big snail male letter to catch up!
    Be well, my friend. xo
