Wednesday, June 22, 2022

And Then Came Max!

I recently joined in an Instagram challenge called ICAD, that is, an index card a day.
It involves making a daily index card sized piece of artwork. It's fun, but the problem is that it is DAILY!!
Some days I struggle with ideas, other days I do a slapdash job, but it is a good incentive to keep creating and, once in a while, a gem is produced. I have a stack of little pictures in a box, and that feels good, but I think I'll continue only until the end of June instead of the end of July, which is how long the challenge goes. And while I'm talking about artwork, I really appreciated the comments on my last post. Thank you Michelle, Sharon, Anne and Helen. Your encouragement meant a lot to me.

The other thing I wanted to write about is our new family member, Max the cat!

This little guy is pretty amazing. He was brought into foster care in our local PAWS organization after being hit by a car. He had no chip and his owner couldn't be found. His injuries were so bad that he was nearly put down, but a kind vet took an interest in him and performed two surgeries on him - one on his back and the other on his hip. I have a friend who was his foster parent at the time and she sent me photos of him and how well he was recovering. She told me that he had a very sweet personality and she thought Bill and I would be a good fit for him. When he had recovered sufficiently, we were ready to adopt!

Max (originally named McGregor) settled in almost immediately. He did spend the first two nights under a bed, but since then he has made himself at home, stretching out everywhere, especially in our front window where he can see all the neighborhood goings on. (As I write this I can hear him snoring in the front window!) He is affectionate, loves to play, and keeps us entertained every day.

And so, as we begin the lazy days of summer, we're happy with our new companion and looking forward to our 45th wedding anniversary in August. I'm also starting to plan some fabric pictures for an exhibit in October, put on by our local Arts Collaborative. It will be called "Creatures and Critters" - guess what kind of critters I'll be making?

Hope everyone who reads this has a wonderful summer. 
 Hopefully I'll post again before it ends!❤️


  1. If you did a little girl a day for the ICAD, it wouldn't be too many girls. I love all your sketched/painted/stitched girls (and ladies)! :-)

  2. That's so nice to hear, Debra. Thanks so much!! ❤️

  3. I don't know how I missed this post. Love that lucky fellow, Max. He was born under a lucky star.
    There's nothing so empty as a home without a cat, and now the love expands. Speaking of love, I hope you enjoyed your 45th. Many, many more.
    Can't wait to see what you have to share regarding Creatures and Critters!

  4. Thanks for your invaluable advice and expertise

  5. How wonderful! What a sweet-looking boy.
