Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Painting - Day 2

This is day 2 of 'Painting Every Day in May' and this is what I came up with!

I'm using an inexpensive watercolor set I bought recently, and today I started off with a pencil drawing. I feel more comfortable doing it this way. You know, there's a certain freedom for me in painting. I'm not hunting around for the right colored paper, fabric or thread and drawing is a lot faster than cutting out pieces of cloth or paper and reassembling them into a picture. So, this is a nice break, although I'm simultaneously working on some fabric pictures for the exhibit Saturday.

Sometimes, when I'm writing my blog, I feel a bit self centered going on and on about myself and my artwork. So today I'd like to pose a question to whoever comes by to read this:

What is your favorite way of expressing yourself?

Is it by drawing, painting, sewing, singing, cooking, gardening or something else?
I'd really like to know!

Please tell about it in the comments, if you have time.

Hope your week is going well! 


  1. She is just lovely Judy! You do so well with faces. Something I am working on.

  2. oh, and of course i love painting and drawing but also crochet, embroidery, trying to bake and decorate.

  3. She IS lovely! I'd like a top like that. Funny, I was thinking about how I would paint or draw lace. You did it so well!

    I think writing is my favorite way of expressing myself, but you know how I can't get enough of every other type of creative self expression. From crochet to cooking and gardening and painting and, and, and. :)

  4. Have a great time at your exhibit! My hubby is off next weekend and we're going to the Pelham Art Festival. I can't wait :).
    Stay inspired!

  5. Well, Judy, it's your blog! Of course you will talk about yourself a bit:):):)

    I do love your faces; they are always so sweet and so skilled looking.

    You know I like to paint and one of the reasons is similar to the one that you expressed. There is no hunting around for paper or fabric. I can mix the exact colors that I want.

    Hope you have a great Thursday:)

  6. I loving peeking through your blog window into your life, Judy. Of course it has to be about you or we would miss so much of who you are!
    I can't say I have a favorite means of expressing myself. It would be like asking me who is my favorite child or what is my favorite flower. I'm happy to enjoy many things and have my world enlarged and my work encouraged by the beautiful examples I find on blogs like yours.

  7. Hi Judy,
    I would have to say that the way I have always expressed myself is through ink and watercolor...I love my camera which is always with me for it helps me to capture what I wish to express through ink drawing and watercolor. I have used other mediums but always find myself going back to the ink and watercolor for that seems to be the way I see things the most!
    Good luck at the Saturday exhibit!

  8. I'm loving these comments! I've tried to email responses to each of you, but I love the enthusiasm with which you write about your favorite way(s) of expressing yourselves!

  9. Hi Judy...always enjoy your blog and the work you share......

    I guess to express myself I would have to say it has to be behind my camera or out in my garden. So many things I want to learn or love to try to do..... Just never enough hours in the day to do them all *laughs*

    Blessings to you~

  10. This is a fascinating question and I have pondered it a bit. I love to sew, take pictures, garden and dream, but I think my favorite way to express myself is in relationship with kids, my friends, my husband, my committee general, just the way I try to navigate the world. I think being in relationship with the world is my favorite way to express myself. (But maybe that's not how you really meant the question?)


  11. She has such an angelic face! I think I express myself in many different ways depending on how I feel. I think writing and poetry give me the most scope for expressing my feelings. x

  12. Love,love,love your work you do great faces I love to create. I guess it all started with creating my best work, my children. I love to photograph everything that inspires me. Today, I was walking along the cliffs at Half Moon Bay in Northern California the sun was out but the wind was blowing cold and strong. I was looking for whales that are migrating this month and all of a sudden a formation of Pelicans stalled their flight over my head. . It was an incredible experience. Moments like that inspire me to paint, draw, sing, cook write.
