Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Painting in May

Late last night, unable to sleep, I was cruising the internet and saw something on Anne's blog about a painting every day in May challenge proposed by Dana Barbieri on her blog. I usually don't paint - only on fabric - but I followed the link and spontaneously decided to give it a try.

I have no aspirations to become a painter, but I do have the urge to play with color. Of course, being me, I had to add some black lines with a Sharpie. I've decided not to judge myself and just enjoy the process!

This Saturday I'll be participating in an event for Kidcasso, showing some work and enjoying the festivities. So I'm rounding up another group of pictures and working on framing them this week. Having worked in a framing gallery for many years is a definite advantage in these situations! 

I hope that you've had a creative day today. It's been raining all day here - a good day to get things done!

Here's wishing you a pleasant evening!


  1. Congratulations on your courage to commit yourself to paint every day. You're off to a fine start!

  2. It looks lovely Judy! Good for you for spontaneously jumping in! :)

  3. Super yet crazy ambitious! Have a good time Judy! Your results are looking good:)

  4. Lovely colorful painting Judy. I saw yours via Dana as I am inspired by the painting everday which I have been hoping to do for so long. Let's keep painting! :)

  5. Way to challenge yourself with the painting ...er...challenge. Way to spread your creative wings. You're already off to a fantastic start! Maybe painting IS your thing.... xx

  6. You did a good start Judy. Your painting will do well as a design for fabric. Very fresh, spring colors.
    Maybe you know that the concept of "a painting a day was created by Duane Keiser in 2004. He is a very talented painter that I admire very much.

    I will not enter such a challenge though sometimes I paint and draw every day :o)

  7. Oh, you and Anne will be such fun to "watch" this month!


  8. This is lovely, Judy! So glad you decided to play along! Can't wait to see your other paintings this month!
