Thursday, March 7, 2013

Blooms and Blossoms

Outside it is snowing lightly, 
and inside...

my Christmas cactus blooms prettily.

Come spring, I will definitely give it a bigger pot!

Rosie is cuddled in her bed near the heat register...

and Angus chooses the camouflage of his black fleece cushion.

Tonight I'll be taking a class in making this beautiful paper rose wreath!

I'm really looking forward to it, and will show my results tomorrow!

Hope you're having a great day!


  1. The Christmas cactus is lovely and cheery! Rosie and Angus look so content. Enjoy your class Judy, I bet you will have great fun! x

  2. Beautiful cactus, mine is blooming too :) Brings some nice color to these colorless winter days.

  3. Such beautiful photos! Rosie and Angus look so sweet and comfy.
    The paper rose wreath is amazing! Looking forward to seeing your creation!

  4. Snow day here in CT. Peace and quiet and rest.

    These are lovely photos, Judy.


  5. The light in your first photo is amazing, Judy. Looking forward to seeing the results of your wreath class.
    Dovey and Mya send their greetings to Rosie and Angus. Is there anything as comforting as watching your contented sleeping cats?
