I really loved the little angels I made for a recent show.
I've always had a thing for angels and these were inspired
by some kraft paper doilies I found in my stash.
Since they were so much work, I decided to frame them instead of using them for cards,
and, since they did not sell, I'll use them as small Christmas gifts!
I was also pleased with the cards I made from small fused fabric landscapes.
I made the landscapes exactly the size I wanted for the cards,
had them copied at Staples on white linen paper,
then cut them to size and glued them to the front center of some
Strathmore watercolor cards I had purchased a while ago.
This one came out a bit dark, so I enhanced it with a gold pen.
If you know me at all, you know that I don't often praise my own work,
but I felt something different coming over me this past weekend.
As I looked at my artwork, I felt a fondness for it, and a quiet
satisfaction that I am finally identifying with my own style
and it is ok.
I'm looking forward to trying some new ideas in the coming year and
I'm grateful to have this blog as a way to share them.
Thank you for stopping by.
Have a wonderful week!