Now, who was that imposter who said that I was doing Art Every Day Month? I had the best of intentions, honestly, but never really got it off the ground. Life seems to be a bit too much lately and I've been having mixed feelings about what I really want to make. That has led to a real feeling of sluggishness - does anyone else have this problem at times?
Meanwhile, it's getting very cold here in New England and Angus and Rosie are hunkering down.
Rosie loves her new catnip toy,
but also buries herself in a fluffy throw when the weather is cold.
Angus always seems to be deep in thought,
and hides on a dining room chair, under the table, where he sleeps away the day.
My little Christmas cactus is starting to bloom, reminding me of my mom.
I have to confess that a feeling of sadness has settled around my shoulders lately.
My older sister is in a nursing home with dementia, and I'm witnessing her losing more
and more of her grasp on reality, and any desire to take care of herself.
Her type of dementia has made her hostile and angry, but fortunately the hostility
is lessening. She has no interest in doing anything, and I do what I can when I visit
to make her laugh and bring her some joy. It's very difficult to see her this way, and I
can't help feeling a bit helpless
So, I have to listen to my heart and not put pressure on myself right now.
I'll be creating, but at my own pace.
Hopefully I'll be more "up" for AEDM next year!
Thanks, dear friends, for reading -
Hope you're having a good week!
xo Judy