Wednesday, January 2, 2019

A Fresh New Year

I'm always glad to welcome a new year, and 2019 is no exception.

2018 was a tough year for me and many others. The political mess in our country has hung like a black cloud over everything and I have spent too much time dwelling upon it. My dearest friend and her husband came to visit in May, then went home to California where she was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. She is not doing well. Other things have been on my mind and I tend to let them get to me. I need an attitude adjustment!
On the other hand, my daughter and my husband threw me a wonderful 70th birthday party with many friends to help us celebrate. We've had lovely times with our dear relatives from Maine, had a restful summer vacation on Cape Ann, Massachusetts, and several fabulous visits with our amazing daughter Kate. I'm so lucky to be part of "Team Hartman"!!

I also feel so fortunate to have the time and inclination to be creative. I have a vey amazing network of artist friends and see them frequently, as well as the opportunity to take classes from fiber artist Amy Ropple, who is also a good friend. 
For the coming year, I have plans for some new projects, first of which will be new artwork for an upcoming exhibit by the Arts Collaborative I belong to. The theme is Arts and Edibles - artwork relating to food and eating, as well as a special exhibit centering around food labels! Time to start working on those!

My wish for everyone who reads this:

Happy Winter!

And don't forget:

Happy 2019!!
Thanks for visiting!