Sunday, January 1, 2017

A Fresh New Year

There is something so wonderful about a new year -
a clean slate, a fresh start!
I'm looking forward to some new creative ventures -
more cut paper, machine sketching,

hand embroidery,

and character creating.

I'm excited, and I hope you are too,
as we enter a brand new year of hope and creativity.

I look forward to sharing and seeing what you are up to!
Let's go on this journey together!

Wishing you a very Happy New Year!


sharon said...

A very happy new year to you, too, Judy. If you're excited by the possibilities of the new year, your readers are ever so much more so.
Hope you and Bill enjoyed Christmas with Kate and her companion. Such special times in our lives.
All the best in 2017.

Amy Ropple said...

You too, Judy!

Simone said...

Happy New Year Judy! Wishing you lots of happiness, health and creativity! x