Last Saturday was a beautiful, sunny, Fall day - perfect for two art events in our town.
Both took place on the same street, so the flow of traffic benefitted both!
I had a table at the "Artisan Affair" show, which had painting, ceramics, pottery and jewelry!
It was held in the Press Room of our local paper, The Daily Item,
with newspaper presses and machinery in the background. Very funky!
I had worked hard to create some new work, and mixed with older work.
it made a decent display.
These are some newer landscapes...
It was worth the effort, because I sold 5 pieces of work, which came as quite a surprise!
(Although it was hard to let go of some pieces that I was particularly fond of!)
This is the lady who had the table next to mine - gorgeous pottery!
I bought the red bowl on the right side of the table!
Across the street and further down the street, our Arts Collaborative had two gallery displays
and all kinds of entertainment!
A demonstration by my friend Andrea on using a Gelli Plate for
fabric and paper printing! I want to try this!
And in the evening, a reception for the artists and some beautiful
music from a very talented singer, Molly Mae!

It was a fantastic weekend, and I'm so glad to have been part of such
exciting efforts to promote the arts!
Hope you're having a
terrific weekend!