out the decorations, turning them over in my hands and remembering where each came from is such a lovely part of the season. Lights are starting to appear in windows and all sorts of ornaments adorn front lawns. It's fun to see how different people express their feelings about the season. For me, listening to a Perry Como Christmas CD in my car and going to a holiday craft fair is enough to give me a warm feeling. The weatherman tells us we may have snow this weekend - a perfect backdrop for festive decorations!
Beautiful wreath Judy....lovely indeed. I will be taking out my decorations this weekend, and I can hardly wait! I love this time of year. The mood, beautiful lights, handmade gifts, egg nog, snow all those things that say Christmas is here! Enjoy your snowfall if you get some this weekend, I just know it will be beautiful!
Smiles to you...
I love how you've decorated your blog...very festive:-). Your wreath is beautiful. We had unexpected snow yesterday...brrr...but it did put me in the mood to start Christmas shopping. Enjoy your snow.
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