I did a little sketching this weekend - quick sketches with a #2 pencil. So much more satisfying than the mechanical pencil I usually use! Disjointed kids and animals - fun to do while watching TV!!

I also spent a bit of time painting commercially printed fabrics with transparent Setacolor paints. If I like the pattern of a fabric, but not the color, I enjoy transforming it with a wash of paint, being mindful of how the applied color will interact with the hue of the fabric. These will be used for landscapes.
Hope everyone has a great Monday!!
Cute sketches! and i like the transformation of the fabric. Went to a quilt show on Sunday and only one vendor had hand-dyed/hand-painted fabric!
Those kitties look suspiciously like Angus and Rosie...:)
I like painting fabric too like that although I haven't done it in a while. Good way to make the fabric go farther!
You are so creative and prolific! I love that when I come here you are doing something new. And the banner and side bars? LOVE them!
Very cute sketches.
Hi Judy! I have been missing you and thought I would pop on over. How are you? I can see the creativity is still alive and well here!
I enjoyed your post on 9-11. I know what it was like turning on my TV here in SoCal. We were glued to it all day long. I can only imagine what it must have been like for you.
I am having a Tea Giveaway for autumn and I have posted a photo of my almost 6-month old grandson. Boy is it fun being Nana KJ!
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