Friday, February 23, 2024

Joy in Creating

Its been quite a while since my last post, but I've been busy trying different ways to use fabric, trims and embroidery. At one point, I was creating textile backgrounds with lace and embroidery and then adding lace and ribbon embroidered flowers on top. I think this creates a pretty effect and it's enjoyable to just create backgrounds and then later decide what to put on them.

This girl with her red cap and ceramic brooch was a long project which I enjoyed. It involved a lot of embroidery with simple stitches and the brooch was an earring  I purchased in Ireland many years ago. After I lost its mate, I could never bear to throw it out, so I was happy to find a serendipitous use for it!
I really do love to draw and stitch faces and hope to do more.

And, of course, I've made more little landscapes, mostly for cards I've been sending out. I don't think I'll ever stop making landscapes - I have a large stash of "landscape fabrics" - but I want to create some more complex compositions and include houses and maybe people. I'm not great at planning things out ahead of time. I usually just gather fabrics and place them down and cut out hills and flowers. However I had to laugh at myself recently when I realized I was repeating the same boring hills and one tree over and over on several cards. Next time I'll try drawing out a design and adding a house and a path, at least!


Something I'd like to get into this year is experimenting with collage, with fabric, paper and paint. I guess you would say mixed media! I am entering into this unexplored territory with a great deal of uncertainty, but I did a tiny bit of it with this star which I made at the beginning of the year.  


I've grown used to posting my artistic efforts, both good and bad, on Instagram (@judyhartman_artandstitch) in the last few years. But I really miss the 'good old days' of blogging! It requires more effort to blog, but I made some wonderful friends through my blog over the years, beginning in 2006. Lately I've been enjoying a wonderful blog called  Joyful Puttering  ( which is updated frequently and always features subjects I enjoy. Mary Ann Shupe shares a very positive and practical view of creativity and has inspired me to blog more often. So, thank you, Mary Ann! I hope I can follow through and become a regular blogger again!


MaryAnn Shupe said...

What a lovely post Judy! Your embroidery and landscapes are just beautiful. It's clear a lot of work went into all of these

Thanks for the shoutout! I do like good old fashioned blogging...and I've been doing it every single day for 9 years! When you write about joy...there's no shortage of topics.

Good luck as you forge int more mixed media! I love it all!!!

Judy Hartman said...

Thanks so much for stopping here, Mary Ann! I really appreciate your comment!
Looking forward to more from your blog and getting mine going again!
Best wishes!! 💕

sharon said...

Quite the treat to find you here again this morning, Judy. Love, love. love your work. Always joyful, beautifully crafted. You have a signature style that really resonates with me. I miss our blogging, too, but am so happy you instagram. Sending love your way!

Judy Hartman said...

Thanks so much, Sharon. Yes, we had so much fun sharing our blogs. I’m so happy we have remained friends!

Carolyn Henson said...

Hi Judy, I met you years ago when Material Mavens was showing at an event when you were next door to us. I have always enjoyed admired your work. Due to health issues accompanied by aging, I am now doing small and various kinds of artwork using all kinds of materials including painting, quilting, pens, pencils, etc. I find your work inspiring and and want to continue with your new blog. Thanks for being such an amazing designer!
Carolyn Henson