Here is my February offering, a tribute to the unpredictable weather of the second month of the year! The funny thing is that I began this picture last February and here we are having the same sort of snowy, sleety, rainy, sunny, cloudy and icy mix this year! Earlier this week, Boston's temperature reached 59 and today it is 29 and snowing steadily. The good news is that everything is covered with a fresh, clean layer of the white stuff and outside it looks like a Currier and Ives Christmas card!
The picture (not the best photo) is machine applique made with commercial fabrics, hand embroidery and beading,
This is a wonderful piece. Love the little bird.
This is absolutely beautiful. You have a gift when creating faces in your artwork. The figure in your Valentine and this quilt have such expressive, lovely eyes.
The quilt is incredible.
THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL! Our weather has been so flippy this year, too! What a piece of art! You do amaze me every time I lay eyes on your work!
Do come over to my blog. You have been tagged with a MEME. Before you pass out (teehee), I actually like the simplicity of this one. It involves a 6-word caption or tribute and a picture. Piece of cake! I would love it if you used one of your masterpieces!
Hugs, KJ
Ooo, I am so glad to be the first to tag YOU! Woo woo!
By the way or BTW as they say in the IM circles, what do you use to put rosey cheeks on fabric? Inquiring minds would like to know...
For rosey cheeks (which I love) I usually use a tiny bit of pastel chalk or colored pencil, blended with a
Judy, I love the way the tree branches have different fabrics between them- a delightful touch! Sorry not to have been checking in more regularly- I've been kind of all over the place! Happy Birthday to your daughter and I hope your sister is better.
Please do make a dotee doll! You're a natural for them!
Hi Judy! I love your art. Your ATC/PC's - particularly the light blue one with the tree and now this precious picture with the rosey cheeked child. Absolutely wonderful.
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