The first award, the Arte y Pico, is given for creativity, design, interesting material and contribution to the blogging community. This reward requires the recipient to: 1.)pick 5 other blogs for this award and include links to these blogs, 2.)show the award and a link to the blogger who gave the nomination, 3.)show a link to the Arte y Pico award and 4.)display these rules on your blog.

The rules for receiving this award are as follows: 1.)Post the logo on your blog. 2.)add a link to the person who nominated you. 3.)Nominate 7 other people for this award and add links to their blogs. 4.)Leave a message for the people you've nominated.
I love reading blogs, especially the ones that show creativity, humor and originality. The bloggers I've nominated really inform and delight me and I'd like to nominate these ladies for both awards: Terri at Stegart does wonderful work in fiber and paper. She combines whimsy, simplicity and scrumptious color in her designs. Sue at Sue Bleiweiss has a constant flow of new ideas and amazing projects in fiber and mixed media. Ellia at Greenbeanbaby Art is a fantastic artist and illustrator in cut paper and fabric. She keeps me laughing with her cute characters! Amy at Lucykate Crafts creates the most adorable felt animals I've ever seen! Her sense of design is really wonderful. And, finally,
Geninne at Geninne's Art Blog paints beautiful, beautiful illustrations of nature. I'm really moved by her birds, in particular.
These two bloggers have already been given the Arte y Pico award, but I'd like to nominate them as my final two for the Brillante Weblog award. KJ at Eye-Dyllic offers a continuous stream of quotations, poetry, humor and lovely illustrations, and Beverly at Teatime and Roses displays warmth, creativity and her beautiful flower photography.
I'm very pleased to have received these awards and I'm grateful to these bloggers who are such great sources of inspiration
Oh Judy!!! First of all, congratulations on receiving the awards. And my gosh, I'm so honored that you have chosen me. Thank you very much.
Hello Judy!
A Big Congratulations on your awards, and thanks so much for passing along the Brillante Weblog award to me. I am both honored and pleased that you would think of Tea Time. You are a wonderful blogger Judy, thanks so much for your kindness and beautiful works of art. Have a lovely rest of the week!
Wow! Thanks so much, Judy!!! I'm sorry that I am not getting over here until now. We had our major studio performances this weekend. And yesterday evening, I had my church's Women's Ministry party. I've been kind of unwinding. So, this is my first glimpse of your blog. (I know, it's early, but Barry woke me up getting ready for work.)
I so appreciate your thinking of me! It is quite an honor that this comes from you, as I'm sure you've picked up from my blog entries. I have often thought of life without my blog and the friendships that I would not be enjoying at this moment. YOU, MY FRIEND, ARE A TREASURE!
Thanks again,
Thank you so much for your kind words about me. I look forward to visiting the blogs you chose. Some of these are new to me. Have a great morning. :-)Gayle
hey, well done you for your award, and i'm so chuffed you thought of me. i think these awards are one of the nicest sides to blogging.
Thank you so much Judith, I'm so honored you thought of me too :)
Big hug from Mexico,
wow!!! first, congrats to you on your awards!!!! and thank you so much for nominating me :) completely honored and grateful!!!! biggest hug to you!!!
btw, if you remember my peanut girl?! she's holding an ice cream cone... her name is judy :)
biggest hugs to you!! and THANK YOU!!!!!
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