I think it's only fair to post once again this piece I had shared a couple of Februarys ago. It's called 'Flakey February', not only for the snowflakes, but also for the randomness of February weather here in New England. Yesterday was such a day - light snow, winds, rain and ice!
Ah, Spring, we'll appreciate you when you come!!
Sweet! I love how you pieced in the different blues that show all the changes in the weather! I'm pretty sure i have a couple of those in my stash... Is her hat an actual piece of knitting?
The flash of a red cardinal is a treat at the winter feeder. Last weekend we counted nine pair of cardinals at our feeders. Along with a multitude of their birdie neighbors.......carolina wrens, titmice, sparrows, nuthatches, jays, chickadees..........it was a circus! Love this piece, Judy.
I'm so glad you shared it again because I definitely don't remember it. I love the scene.
Thank you for your comments, friends. They mean a lot to me.
Quiltcat,the hat was just a piece of red wool, with machine satin-stitched lines. And yes, these were all pieces of blue 'stash fabrics', with some beading and quilting. :-)
I'm so glad you shared it again. It's absolutely lovely.
I knew this looked familiar...but I love seeing it again!
I LOVE THIS!!! And, the different blues for the sky... PERFECTION! This isn't by chance for sale is it? We need to get you a Gallery Showing one of these days!
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